Thursday, August 11, 2005

August 10th: Shalimar

In attendance: Zeus, Solids, Hot Sauce, Mycroft, Moxie, Ace, and the Lady Aubergine plus three visitors.

We went back here to appease Hot Sauce and Lady A. because they were not around the last time we met here. Also because we all love it.

The food was great. It is always great. It is Shalimar. Best Indian food around.

The only dish that was not love by all was the eggplant dish I suggested. Lady Aubergine did state that she was not a fan. At least we tried someting new.

I had ordered a Kingfisher and was alone on that front until two of the guests arrived. They both ordered kingfishers. It makes me feel better when someone else at the table orders a beverage.

This was the first introduction to a third visitor. I will hold on any judgements until voting day, if it comes. When the discussion came to food, she claims to make a good corn chowder. She may have to prove it.

1 comment:

Sara Zoe Patterson said...

yes, prove it! Trial by stone! (Or corn chowder, whichever comes first.)