Friday, June 30, 2006

Zeus's Movers Birthday

* draft - I need more pictures - anybody?*

For her birthday, Zeus requested an Alice in Wonderland Croquet Tea Party Extravaganza. With such a good idea to build off of, we were off and running.

tea food

Tea Party hors d' oeuvres: little toasts, some with goat cheese and artichoke, some with blue cheese and quince jelly; strawberries, haricot verts with a vinaigrette, cucumbers, and potato chips

tower of treats

Tower of sweets - cookies galore.

Other foods featured: iced teas, tea sandwiches (green pea, mint, and creme fraiche; watercress and cream cheese; peanut butter and jelly), oyster-mussles and bread and butter, and cupcakes.

An outrageously good time was had by all.

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